There are police officers in San Bernardino County who do more than their professions require of them. They are humanitarians, mentors, and leaders who are the definition of “peace officer.” These men and women might be your friend, family member, neighbor, or just someone you know. The best of the Inland Empire’s law enforcement is here in San Bernardino County, and we’re proud to feature them on “The Shield.”

Colton Police Officer has been a police officer for 17 years. He created the “Fuel For Success” Program in 2007, which is sponsored by Shell and used nationwide by over 15 police departments to form positive relationships with the police officers.

Chino Police Officer Jessica Asbee has been a police officer for five years. She is a role model for young people who may be experiencing a challenging home life, and she is definitely an inspiration for females aspiring to enter the law enforcement profession.

Growing up in the Redlands area, Redlands Police Officer Daniel Cherpin is truly committed to saving lives and protecting those in his community. With degrees in fire science, law enforcement, and emergency medicine, his efforts to save lives have paid off, with 14 people alive today thanks to Officer Cherpin.

Hallmark Could Not Write a Better Story for 202
San Bernardino County Deputy Sheriff Mike Robertson and his partner were investigating a “shots fired” call when they came across a malnourished and mistreated baby in desperate need of medical attention. With four days left to live, a team sprang into action to give this baby a second chance at life.

C.A.S.E.- The Fight Against Human Trafficking
C.A.S.E. coordinator, Angel Magallanes, is actively fighting against the evils of human trafficking. Through raising the communities awareness on the issue, Angel is making a positive impact on our community.
Where To Get “The Shield”…
The story of each featured officer will be posted on our blog every month. We’ll also highlight these officer periodically throughout the month on our social media platforms as well.