October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office in bringing awareness to this crime by joining the social media campaign. Simply paint your ring finger’s nail purple, post a picture of it on social media with the hashtag #PutTheNailInIt, and let’s start the conversation to end domestic violence.
What’s with the purple nails? Painting your ring finger purple shows support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Still confused? Let us explain.
According to an official report by The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence one in four women, and one in 10 men experience sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner.

Domestic violence is a crisis many women and men endure nationwide and the coronavirus quarantine is only making things worse. In our office specifically, we “helped 382 DV victims the quarter before coronavirus, and this past quarter (during coronavirus quarantine) we helped 380 DV victims,” said Victim Advocate Ryan Isenberg. “It is well known within the victim service world that [abuse] is happening much more often with abusers and victims being home. The numbers show that victims are not reporting or reaching out for help.”
Established in 1978, Safe Horizon is an organization that “provide[s] support, prevent[s] violence and promote[s] justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families and communities.” In 2015, Safe Horizon launched a nationwide campaign to promote awareness and support for victims and survivors of domestic violence. #PutTheNailInIt was a way for celebrities, athletes, and everyday people to show their support for or their experience with domestic violence.
“The idea is simple: by painting your ring fingernail purple, you are showing the world your vow to help spread awareness of domestic violence and displaying your support for Safe Horizon, the country’s largest organization helping victims of domestic violence get the crucial help they need in their darkest moments.”
– #PutTheNailInIt
Nearly five years later, our office is bringing this campaign back to life. The district attorney’s office stands with the message of loudly advocating against domestic violence while showing our support for those who have endured it. If you or a loved one is experiencing an abusive relationship, use your voice to help. No one should have to suffer in silence.
Join us in painting your ring finger purple, posting a photo on social media, and using the hashtag #PutTheNailInIt. While we may not end domestic abuse fully, we hope to do our best to be a part of the solution.
While the statistics we hold reflect those brave men and women who were able to come forward, we know there are many more silent victims nationwide and in our own county. On behalf of the district attorney’s office, we stand with survivors and those who experience the torment of domestic violence.
If you or a loved one are experiencing an abusive relationship (sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking), please reach out to our victim advocates by chatting with them through the yellow chat icon on the bottom right side of our website. You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233.
Let’s put an end to domestic violence.