The Sexually Violent Predator, Lawtis Donald Rhoden, was tentatively placed in the community of Twentynine Palms in San Bernardino County despite the fact that he had no ties, family, history, or crimes committed in our community. Deputy district attorneys, personnel from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, and members of the Twentynine Palms community fought long and hard to ensure this tentative placement would not become a reality.
On Thursday, May 27, 2021, the Orange County Superior Court decided not to place the sexually violent predator (SVP), Lawtis Donald Rhoden, into the community of Twentynine Palms.

Lawtis Donald Rhoden committed several violent acts of sexual assault and rape in various states and counties. The State of Tennessee sentenced Mr. Rhoden to 20 years in state prison, the Orange County Superior Court sentenced him to 12 years in state prison, and the Los Angeles County Superior Court sentenced him to six years in state prison. He was found to be a Sexually Violent Predator by an Orange County jury under the state Welfare & Institutions Code and was then committed to the Department of State Hospitals for treatment.
After he served his required time in prison and the state hospital, the Orange County Superior Court ordered Mr. Rhoden conditionally released into the community under the supervision of Liberty Healthcare on October 25, 2019. On February 5, 2021, the Orange County Superior Court found “extraordinary circumstances” existed to authorize relocating Mr. Rhoden outside of Orange County.
Then, on March 12, 2021, the Orange County Superior Court tentatively ordered Mr. Rhoden to live at a residence in Twentynine Palms. San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson, San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon, and other county officials strongly object to this Sexually Violent Predator being ordered to live in Twentynine Palms.
San Bernardino County Deputy District Attorney’s Dan Ross and Maureen O’Connell worked fervorously to ensure Mr. Rhoden would stay out of our county and away from our children.

“It’s been a very long and uphill battle,” said Deputy District Attorney Maureen O’Connell. “One of the underlying objectives as a prosecutor is to protect our community and to advocate for our victims. This case did just that.”
This denial of residence for Mr. Rhoden would not have been possible without the help of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.
“They have been indispensable in terms of their assistance. No mountain was too high for San Bernardino County Sheriff Detective Thomas Gates,” said Deputy District Attorney Dan Ross. “I also want to thank Orange County Deputy District Attorney Peter Finnerty for helping us navigate the court. Most of all, we want to thank Judge Megan Wagner. She was always very fair to us.”
The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office is honored and proud to have men and women like Ms. O’Connell and Mr. Ross, fighting for every member in our community. We would also like to thank the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, and the men, women and children who bravely voiced their opposition to Mr. Rhoden’s placement in Twentynine Palms.